Monday, December 22, 2014

Long Overdue Update

Unfortunately, Quinn was without his camera for a few months as his grandmother borrowed it for an overseas trip.  Now, however, it's back in his (dangerous) hands.  Here are a bunch of photos from the past two weeks:

Selfie taken inside his little play tent.

This kid is bananas...B - A - N - A - N - A - S...

You wouldn't want to get her angry.  Don't do it!

No one has ever looked this happy taking out the recycling.

Getting up close and personal with the speaker.

I swear, he gave me instructions to do this.  

Kid's view of an Allosaurus.

"This skeleton is happy!  It's smiling!"

Dead birds in a drawer at the museum.

Mouth full of beer.

A special visit from Montreal by his cousin Sarah!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My morning playing with Ben, Charlie, and Taryn

I had a good time playing with my friends this morning.  We played with my train table and lots of my other cars and trucks.  We even did some learning with the fridge magnet letters.  I really like playing with Ben!

This is Ben.  His brother Charlie is in the background.
Ben's mother Taryn is a little blurry in this photo.  I'm still working on having steady hands.

This is a photo of me taken by Ben.

My right eye, taken by Ben.  So close!

At the museum

Two photos from my trip to the Royal Ontario Museum!  I love the dinosaurs!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Message From Quinn

"Quinn - what do you want to tell everyone who looks at your pictures?"

"No message.  I want something to eat," is his response.

Sorry, folks.  It's dinner time, and when you're two-and-a-half, your mind can only handle so many things at once.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dinner Guests

We had a few people over on two separate nights this weekend.  The second night, Q automatically grabbed his camera, turned it on, and started snapping photos. At one point, somehow, he even went into the settings and started snapping several shots a second of Aaron.  Here are some highlights.

Aaron makes good faces.


So cool!

So handsome!


Greta Garbo and Monroe...

...Deitrich and DiMaggio...

...Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean on the cover of a magazine.
Yay! Friends! I brought Laurine the drink from the fridge.

Daddy looks like a Walking Dead extra.

I was, sadly, not impressed by Aaron's socks.  Sorry.  I like socks with trains.

Guy, who runs the best toy store ever!
This was actually taken last Friday before Dad and I left for daycare.  Sadly, he was dancing to Oran Juice Jones' hit 80s song "The Rain".  I thought he was having a seizure.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Home Life

Life at home right now consists of three redheads (Wallace the cat, Ginger the cocker spaniel, and Bridget the mother), a father, and a toddler.  It gets a bit chaotic.  Here's a glimpse of our home life through Q's eyes.

He calls Wallace his older brother in Chinese.

Shadows on the table

Cat Scratch Fever

Backyard fun with the dog

I need a wider angle lens to get Dad's head in this shot

At the Brickworks!

Nothing says photography like a walk in the mud of Toronto's thaw.  Out at the Brickworks a few weekends ago, Q snapped some great shots - at least for a 2.5 year-old.

He loves sticks!

"This is my future," he thought to himself.  "Help me."

If there are three things Q likes, it's trains, Vietnamese buns, and animals.

My Left Foot

At Knee-Level

Q is at the age when he asks questions about everything and wants to try everything - especially if he sees adults doing it.  As his parents, we often take photos of it because, obviously, everyone will want to scroll through the photos every chance they get, right?  After two years of this, Q has decided he wants to take photo too.  Wanting to foster his possible love of photography in the future, I gave him a point-and-shoot Canon I had given his mother a few years ago that has sat unused in a drawer.

Q will take a few photos and move on to something else after a while, but occasionally, he snaps a perfectly interesting and spooky shot, a perfect mixture of odd angles, weird framing, and unconventional lighting. Sure, for every semi-interesting shot, there are two that involve his finger over the lens, but that's to be expected at this point as it's not very easy for him to both hold the camera still and press the shutter button.

Still, I love the idea of him looking for things around him that he deems photo-worthy, and trying to capture it on film/memory card.  Maybe I have the next Ansel Adams under my roof!

This is the first photo he took with the camera.  Obviously, he wanted to immortalize my rugged right knee.

Dad's making dinner.  The lighting suggests a nuclear bomb is going off in the backyard.
